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2001-06-18 - 8:29 p.m.

Just when you thought it was safe to book the moving truck...

Mike called this morning shortly after the moving agent left a favorable quote to lug all our stuff to Virginia Beach, reporting that he thinks we can move the closing date on the new house to the day after we close on this one - rather than 10 days before, as previously scheduled. Bonus - we can get the VA loan and don't have to mess with a home equity or bridge loan. Bummer - I can't be the kind, easy going customer who has a full week to empty the house, unless the occupants of the new place let us put some things (like all our furniture) in the house before closing.

[Sigh.] If I didn't want to come back to Richmond so badly one day, I'd swear off ever moving again.

Summer has begun in Richmond. Yes, it's a little before the official date, but the rain has ended and the oppressive heat has settled in for a long stay. I don't doubt the 17th century colonists (my ancestors included) dropped like flies in this weather - leaving their descendants fairly immune to its effects. I couldn't help grinning while out shopping the other day, listening to a couple of transplants complain about the humidity. They ain't seen nothing yet.

And in a month, I may be one of those transplants, complaining about something long-time natives of Virginia Beach can only reply to with grins. I'm used to looking west for storms - to the mountains rather than the ocean. I know how to pronounce the odd street names and never say Pow-hite. Now I'll be less than a mile or two from General Booth Boulevard and I have no idea who that was.

Yeah, I know - "Look it up."


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