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November 04, 2001 - 9:46 p.m.

Even if you are in the southeastern most corner of North Carolina, the first weekend of November should not be hot.

While packing up for the trip down to Crown Tournament this weekend, I picked up some of my light-weight, Pennsic garb, considering. But no, I told myself. It's November. It may be a little warm, but it won't be hot. So I picked up the heavier linens instead. My mistake.

Now, it wasn't so bad in the shade and Kevin kindly allowed Zack, Colin and I to occupy part of his dayshade, although Zack was far too excited about the whole event to stay put and play with the toys I brought for him. He had to go wandering. All day. At least it wore him enough to ensure he'd sleep the whole drive back home, but I wasn't so certain about my own ability to stay awake by the end of the day.

Kevin had quite a setup - all blue and gold. He even sorted through God only knows how many bags of M&M's to put together two large candy dishes of just the blue and yellow ones. Zack would have been covered in chocolate if Colin and I didn't keep constant watch to pull his hands out of the bowls.

We stopped in Wilmington on the way home to grab sandwiches with Rich, Gabrielle, Susie, Kevin, and Jake. Zack didn't want to sit still for that, either. He walked around the Arby's, saying "Hi!" to everyone in that cute little toddler voice and asking "Fries?" He danced a little for everyone - spreading his arms out, stomping his feet rapidly and turning in a circle. When he comes back around to his starting point, he holds his arms up and cries "Hey!"


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