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December 26, 2001 - 1:15 p.m.

Zachary did, in fact, take all day to open his presents.

The Christmases of waking at dawn and tearing into every wrapped box in sight are not yet upon us, it seems. Zack actually slept in yesterday, snoozing until about 9 am. Then he went downstairs, asked for juice and crawled up on the sofa to watch some tv with Daddy. No clue.

We eventually lured him into the living room to see all the presents that had appeared around the tree overnight. He checked out what Santa Claus had brought him - a toy kitchen and a motorized circus train. He played with the train for a very long time - long enough, we thought, that he would have lost interest by the time his grandparents arrived and it was time to open gifts. And he did happily tear into the first, played with it a bit, then went back to playing with the train. After a few more, he was tired of it all and just wanted to play with what he had (the train). My sister gave him some new books, each of which he had to sit down and have read to him before he'd open the next.

About halfway through, he had to go take a nap.

He finally finished openning all of his presents about 6pm and our guests could finally go home.


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