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February 11, 2002 - 10:05 p.m.

I got an amazing breath of freedom this afternoon. I'm up at Mom's house, ostensibly to take my father to the historical round table meeting he attends once a month, but at least partly to catch a break. It's amazing how much more energy I have when there are two other people around to help with Zachary. Anyway - over Zack's nap I left him with Mom and Dad to go run a few errands. Wow! Out by myself in daylight. You have to be a parent to really appreciate that.

Tomorrow we head back to the beach, back to my cluttered house (I've borrowed one of Mom's mail catalogs for organizers and such gadgets - already highlighting things I want to avoid the "closet of doom") and the host of other things I've just realized need to be done.

We're out today in my minivan when Dad points to my windshield. "Have you noticed that your inspection sticker has expired?"

Oh, damn.

Every other car I've owned has had a summer inspection date, so January came and went without a second thought about it. Even the unseasonably warm weather didn't trigger it on my to do list.


I'm a little bummed that even after I return tomorrow, I'll still have to wait to spend some time with my husband. He left for Ymir on Friday night, returned early Sunday morning. I left for Richmond Sunday afternoon to return tomorrow, but then he's going to the Caer Mear fight practice tomorrow night... And there's this business trip that could take him away on Valentine's Day :( Not much to look forward to at the moment...


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