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March 25, 2002 - 1:06 p.m.

Well, the minivan checked out ok. The dealership installed some new clamps on the fuel rail which are supposed to prevent any problems with leaks in the future and sent me on my way.

After chasing Zachary around their service lounge, keeping him out of the vending machines and off the phones, I'm wiped. Wish he were. He's supposed to be napping, but I can hear him in his room right now, playing with his toy castle.

It's Holy Week already. Lent just blew by this year. I'm a quarter way through the second of Marcus J. Borg's books that I've borrowed from the library and enjoying it very much - just wish I could find more time to read.

After Muireann's mention of it, I decided to go on and join the FlyLady list and start getting my house in order. At least I can begin a routine before the baby comes, even if I have to slack off a bit this summer to catch up on my sleep. So far, so good on day 3.

And if I want a chance to lie down (or is it lay down... I can never keep that straight) this afternoon, I have much to do first. One of our trees is dying and I need to call someone to cut it down before it falls on the house. The well pump needs to be fixed - another phone call to find a professional. And Mike's been complaining about aches and pains after his day in the yard yesterday, so I need to go check the hot tub and make sure the water's alright. (I've been slacking on that quite a bit this winter.)


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