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May 17, 2002 - 10:03 p.m.

My husband is a very spiff guy. At 5:30 pm yesterday, I called him at work and asked if he'd mind coming home a little early so I could go see Star Wars with Blackbear. And, without hesitation, he picked up his car keys. I hate going to the movies without him, but he was able to take an extended lunch today to go see it, so we're even... except I still have to go see Spiderman.

Anyone reading who hasn't seen Attack of the Clones yet might want to stop reading now and come back later. I don't want to spoil anything for you.

OK. If you're still reading this, you've been warned.

Attack of the Clones wasn't as bad as I expected. Yes, I went in anticipating disappointment. Episode I didn't thrill me and I was very, very afraid of what new cute and fuzzy creatures Lucas might have invented for this film.

So here's the good news - limited Jar Jar Binks and nothing with downy fur and doe eyes. The only adorable characters were the group of toddlers under Yoda's tutelage - baby cheeks, lisps, and featured for all of one scene.

Lucas seemed to have pulled out the script for The Empire Strikes Back and used the same story arc. The parallels are everywhere, including the budding romance, the Jedi student gone astray, and the hanging conclusion that will feed directly into the following film. Most compelling is the Anakin's echo (if I can use that word in violation of chronology) of Luke's journey in Empire. Both leave their duty to answer disturbing visions about their loved ones. Both give in to the Dark Side of the force for a time. And both end up losing a limb in a battle they are ill prepared to wage. However, Luke will overcome the Dark Side while Anakin is doomed to embrace it.

That doom shadows Anakin throughout the movie and Hayden Christensen, though not particularly adept at breathing life into Lucas' script, does very well creating tension around Anakin and maintaining a smoldering rage and lust behind his eyes. Unlike his son, who will be horrified by his own brushes with the Dark Side, Anakin is disposed toward rage, hatred, and a contrasting admiration of the control of others with a complete lack of personal restraint. It's difficult at times to see the good in him that Luke will eventually draw out of him again. Obi Wan appears unable to discipline him and Padme dismisses his disregard for rules and other disturbing revelations out of her love for him.

Even without the foresight of Episodes III-V, Anakin's fate is obvious - but Lucas likes the good and the bad to wear appropriately colored hats. There's never any doubt who is on which side in the Star Wars Saga. Sure, a few characters are manipulated - Amidala in Phantom Menace, Jar Jar (in exactly the same manner) in Attack of the Clones and Lando in Empire Strikes Back are all deceived or bargained with to assist Palapatine, but they're all good people temporarily lead astray. There are no shades of gray for Lucas, which robs the series of what could be a very interesting dimension. There's also a lack of details on the political moves that give rise to the Empire... but, as my husband reminds me, audiences would rather see action.


But there is plenty of action. Some of it, sadly, looks like a video game... probably one soon to be released. The special effects are bleeding edge tech, but that still doesn't overcome the occasional nagging reminder of a blue screen behind the actors or the extremely clean animation that doesn't always ring true. Lucas created some amazing alien races for this film, far superior to the "actor in a latex suit" look of the first films, and the foreign environs, flora and fauna are all breathtaking. There are just moments here and there where a wild beast looks too well groomed or there's an unnatural flatness to it. And then there was that bit on Naboo that looks straight out of The Sound of Music - mountains, grassy hill and all... But I can't do much except joke about that. It did look very pretty.

Am I being picky? Maybe. But Yoda's lightsaber battle with Count Dooku, though thrilling, brought up the suspicion that someone, somewhere in the theatre was tapping away excitedly on a PS2 paddle.

But, on the whole, I enjoyed the film and have renewed faith that Lucas will continue with at least some emphasis on the mythic and psychological arcs of the saga. I just hope he doesn't feel the need to counter the inevitable tragedy of the following movie with cute, fuzzy doe-eyed creatures...


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