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May 23, 2002 - 5:11 p.m.

Just a quick entry before I go wake up Zachary. It's nearly 5 pm and if he naps any longer, he'll be up all night.

We went to the playground at Red Wing Park this afternoon, where he ran and climbed and ran and swung and ran and ran and ran and climbed then ran some more. An hour of that wore us both out and it didn't take much to get him to curl up with his blankie when we got home.

That's the first nap this week. Unfortunately, I had to go take one, too, so I had no chance to make much use of it.

A few more days and Baby Boy #2 will be considered full term. It's still just less than a month from his due date, but we're about ready to welcome him. Mike spent a good part of the weekend pulling all the infant gear out of the storage closet and getting it cleaned up. We took Zachary's car seat out of the minivan and cleaned it up, too, for good measure. It needed it - the was about half a box of Cheerios under the cover and in the base! The infant carrier is now waiting in the foyer along with my duffle bag to take to the hospital and we're quickly running out of much to do but wait...

This morning I woke up nauseated like I was back in the first trimester, which worried me. My first indication of going into labor with Zachary was vomiting. The queasiness passed, though, and I've had no more contractions than normal today. We'll see if I can break the family curse of going to the hospital on holiday weekends in a few days.

Click here to see how my pregnancy cravings helped the economy! ;)

And the latest quiz:

Which Episode II character are you?

You could have a split personality - simply to hide who you really are. You are extremely polite and gentle. However, if needs be, you will take action and can be a very good leader. You have the power to make people believe in you - use this power. The one you love could also end up being the one you hate.

Aw, I don't change clothes nearly that often...


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