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August 28, 2002 - 9:39 a.m.

I feel like standing outside with my arms up in the air like Starbuck.

It's finally raining

Not just a quick cloudburst or passing thunderstorm - hours and hours of steady, hard rain. And, God, do we need it. Even my neighbor who last year kept a thick green carpet of grass in his yard through Thanksgiving hasn't been able to keep his yard from turning brown and sparse.

And now there's a flood watch. Too much of a good thing.

It's gearing up to be a busy day. Those of you who read colin-g already know our life has taken another interesting turn in the ancient Chinese curse sense of the word. And the boys are a little crabby this week. Marcus is just getting over his round of immunizations at his 2 month checkup on Monday and Zachary's come down with some irritating congestion and a slight fever. So I have my hands full.

We did manage a great game of hero clix with blackbear, though we all stayed up too long past our bedtimes ironing out the rules and debating the finer points. (Faster games in the future, Blackbear, we promise.)


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