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September 30, 2002 - 1:49 p.m.

Anyone haev a suggestion for getting a two-year-old to sit still and have his picture taken?

I have two days left before the discount card I bought a year ago at the local portrait place expires, so I took the boys out after lunch, all dressed up. Marcus was at the peak of his alert time - happy and giggling and look adorable. Zachary seemed in a good mood as well... until I sat him on the table next to his brother.

He lost it. Inconsolable.

The photographer and I spent 20 minutes trying to calm him down and convince him to sit down for just a minute. We tried toys. We tried bribery. We tried taking a few pictures of Marcus to entice him to join in. Nothing worked. In the end, Marcus's window of happy time closed and we had to give up.

As soon as it was apparent we were leaving, Zachary started smiling and chatting with the photographer. I wanted to beat my head against something.

My card expires Wednesday. Any ideas are welcome....


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