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October 18, 2002 - 8:40 a.m.

My children amaze me.

Zachary has been extremely two lately - sibling jealousy plus cutting new molars plus a nasty bout of eczema costing him some sleep, he's been pretty cranky. In fact his Nana bought him a shirt with I'm so two written on it. He was wearing it yesterday when he decided to try throwing the granddaddy of all temper tantrums. At first I sat back to let it blow over but then thought of what a clever photograph it would make - sort of illustrating the t-shirt. So I pulled out my camera, focused and...

You'd think I had hit Zachary's "off" switch. He immediately stopped wailing, jumped up and ran over to sit down beside his brother (playing in the floor nearby) and smiled.

Now why can't I get him to do that at the portrait studio?


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