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February 13, 2003 - 4:26 p.m.

Zachary is watching his "Baby Einstein" video, repeating the Japanese alphabet as best he can along with the narration. This morning, he wanted to teach the dog to count to three.

"Solo! Count to three! Solo! Count to three!"

Solo rested his head on his paws with a doggy sigh and pretended he was deaf.

"Zachary, Solo doesn't know how to count to three," I began to explain. Zachary only looked back at me, thoughtfully. After a moment he must have decided that I was right.

"Solo! Count to two!"

I bought bottled water this morning. I feel like such a Chicken Little. I suppose I had to do something to grant myself the illusion, at least, of control. I hate this feeling of vulnerability. There are pictures all over the news today of military defenses around DC but they offer little comfort. If anything, they are even more unsettling. The presence of armed soldiers on the streets in Israel has not curbed terrorists attacks and homicide bombers, what makes DC any different?


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