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April 11, 2003 - 3:19 p.m.

where I am at the moment: home, living room, in front of the computer

grade one teacher's name: Miss Deacons

last word you said: Uh-oh

last song you sang: On Top of Spaghetti

last person you hugged: Zachary

last thing you laughed at: Marcus sticking out his tongue

what's in your cd player: Dr. Didg, Out of the Woods

what color socks are you wearing: White

what's under your bed: suitcases, my SCA basket, unwashed socks

what time did you wake up today: 7:42

current taste: orange soda

current hair: needs a trim

current clothes: jeans, turtleneck in an uncharacteristic shade of pink

current annoyance: cleaning the kitchen

current longing: more time

current desktop picture: yellow tulips

current worry: getting packed for the weekend

current hate: shoes on the sofa

story behind your username: better than bookgeek

current favorite article of clothing: new t-shirt that says "Never Judge a Book by its Movie"

favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: shoulders, chest

favorite place to be: sleeping in

least favorite place: downtown DC in a crowd of tourists

time you wake up in the morning: 8ish

if you could play an instrument, what would it be: violin

favorite color: red

do you believe in an afterlife: yes

how tall are you: 5'1" (in shoes)

current favorite word/saying: Peek-a-boo!

favorite book: I have to pick one?

favorite season: autumn

one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: me, age 12 (though I doubt I'd listen)

favorite day: Saturday

where do you want to go: Green Valley Book Fair

what is your career going to be like: so far it's turning my hair white ;)

how many kids do you want: 2, both boys. (mission accomplished)

what kind of car will you have: something that gets a zillion mpg and rarely needs maintenance

type a line you remember from any book: It's cold in the scriptorium and my thumb hurts.

random lyric: Could be soon we'll cease to sound. Slowly up stairs, faster down.

Identify some things surrounding your computer: Matchbox Seaplane, stoneware mug with cold dregs of green tea, Bas Bleu catalog

I am not: packing for the weekend yet

I love: my husband, my boys, buying a new book

I fear: my boys being lost or injured

I hope: We'll buy a house later this year

I hear: Zachary playing with his matchbox cars

I crave: another orange soda

I regret: eating 4 krispy kreme donuts yesterday

I cry: during "Cyrano de Bergerac"

I care: for my children

I always: avoid saying "I always"

I believe: in God

I feel alone: but it doesn't bother me

I listen: very poorly

I hide: frequently

I drive: slower than I used to

I sing: when I'm alone in the car

I dance: with my children

I write: less often than I'd like

I play: the guitar, Pente, and peek-a-boo

I miss: Richmond

I search: for Marcus's pacifier so he can nap

I learn: by doing

I feel: tired

I know: less the more I learn

I say: too much

I succeed: when I try hard enough

I dream: about flying

I wonder: at my boys as they grow

I want: more books

I have: a stack of books that I still haven't read

I give: up too easily

I fight: to be calm

I need: to get something useful done


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