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May 07, 2003 - 10:29 p.m.

Marcus's mood has improved now that his second tooth this week has finally finished pushing through his gum. He cut the first Sunday night and I'm hoping for a night of uninterrupted sleep once again... but not holding my breath.

In anticipation of his choppers, I began trying to wean him to a cup several weeks ago. He's not terribly interested - unless the cup is one discarded by his brother. Give him his own cup while he's sitting in his high chair and he'll toss it to the floor every time. Put him in the floor and he'll crawl post haste to steal Zachary's. Lately I've simply been putting his cup a few casual feet away from him and letting him discover it himself. He still doesn't finish it, but he drinks more when he thinks he's getting away with something... and it keeps him from scamming Zachary's juice - a few minutes of the day when I don't have to pull them off of each other. Seriously, I ought to have a whistle. I feel like I spend most of my days saying things like "Zachary, don't sit on Marcus" or "Marcus, stop gumming your brother" or "That toy was not designed for smacking your sibling in the head!" (And, yes Puck-eater, there is a penalty box in the corner.)

Remember - Sunday is Mother's Day and you owe her.


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