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May 21, 2003 - 9:39 a.m.

Well, I think The Sims obsession has just about run its course. The game is starting to get a little repetitive: get up, eat, go to work, come home, make dinner and make appropriate calls to keep enough smileys to ensure career advancement, eat and socialize, shower, bed.


Yesterday morning I finally found my Squirrel Nut Zippers album that had been MIA for months. It had somehow gotten mixed into our computer CDs and, without the protection of a jewel case, ended up in less than pristine shape.


I don't spend a whole lot of money on music. Though I have a list of things I eventually want to acquire, I can be pretty stingy about actually forking over the cash for it. So the thought of replacing "Hot" after such neglect did not thrill me.

While Marcus napped, I tossed it into the CD player to assess the damage. I think it's alright. Zachary wouldn't let me get passed "Put a Lid on It" without demanding "Again! Again!"

One thing for sure, 20 minutes of dancing with a preschooler beats the hell out of any exercise video.


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