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June 27, 2003 - 7:26 p.m.

You are Melancholy.
Melancholics are often gifted, even prone to genius. You are deep and thoughtful, but this can lead to your being too introspective, to the point of moodiness and depression when you find flaws within yourself. You strive for perfection in all things, most especially your self and your immediate world. You are sensitive to the needs of others, and loyal to your friends, but can be hard to please. Melancholics do well in the Arts, science, and math.

Which of the Humours are you?
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And since it's Friday, and that means Stargate SG-1 on SciFi:

Who's Your Stargate Mate? (For Girls)

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Jack O'Neill's Ass!
Jack O'Neill's Ass. Who cares about the other actors and the plots, you just want to see the rear end views of Jack O'Neill!

What is your Stargate Obsession?
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