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August 22, 2003 - 9:56 a.m.

Zachary asked about Solo this morning. I don't know if it's been on his mind since we got home Saturday night or if Wags the Dog suddenly reminded him that there ought to be dog around here, too. I picked Zack up, sat him on my lap, took a deep breath, and lied. Three years old just seems so young to have a conversation about death. "Solo's gone on a trip, Sweetpea." I was braced for other questions but Zachary simply hopped down and went to go play with his toys.

Mike has the preseason of football to keep him occupied. The fantasy football draft is this weekend and soon we will have to draw up some kind of plan to share television time between games and Stargate SG-1 episodes. I may have to give up the regular Monday night rerun marathon in exchange for getting the DVDs on release. Season 4 will be out in a couple of weeks.

I've distracted my mind with books. (Go fig.) I think in the past 8 days I've read somewhere around 14 Sherlock Holmes mysteries and a couple of Doyle's other short fictions. I'd like to find a copy of The Poison Belt, as I find Professor Challenger a more appealing character than Holmes. Holmes, though brilliant, is bloodless. And can someone tell me if Moriarty appears in more than just The Final Problem? I'm surprised and a bit disappointed that such a legendary archenemy could have so little print!

On the new home front - the inspection went well. There are a couple minor things that the owners have agreed to fix and the air conditioner needs professional service. They want to close as early as the middle of next month, so I also have some work to do in finding homeowners insurance very soon...


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