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September 19, 2003 - 8:47 p.m.

I feel like we got by easy. Our cable internet was out for about 14 hours and we're drinking bottled water- but otherwise no upsets in our lives. Not even a power outage. Well, I can't shower, but I shouldn't complain.

My parents have a tree in their house.

To add insult to injury, their phone lines and power are out and they woke this morning to a neighborhood barricaded in by fallen trees. Although they spent most of the day trying to contact a tree service and the insurance company's claim line via cell phone, I don't know if they ever got through. I don't want to call them too often.

When exactly did my parents start making me worry about them?

On the up side, my sister made in it from LA this morning and is staying with us for the weekend before a job interview on Monday. Tomorrow we see what Falmouth looks like...


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