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October 06, 2003 - 7:45 a.m.

I just woke up from nearly 12 straight hours of sleep. Bet you didn't think University could be so exhausting, did you?

I had a marvelous time, drove down with thjora, giuliana, and cosette (great company - we missed you Jen!), even took the opportunity to attend a class, and came to a decision I had been kicking around in my mind for a few months now...

I'm going to change my persona. I spent a little time at the heraldic consulting table on Saturday, flipping through the books on English given and surnames, focusing on the 14th century. I have a top choice for a given name but still nothing for the rest, yet. So if anyone out there has ever run across something in period for a 14th century English gal with a bookish mind, let me know. My goal is to get a new name into the approval process, make totally new and spiffy garb and have the whole package ready for 12th Night.

Any advice from other SCAdians on the name switch experience are also very welcome :)


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