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February 23, 2005 - 9:30 a.m.

*cough* *hack*

I feel like death. This alien plague has gone through everyone in the family now. Even Marcus, who doesn't get sick very often, has a fever and barking cough - which has started his wheezing again. Mike's back to work but the boys being up at all hours for over a week now is taking its toll on him. He's worn out. I'm exhausted. Should have gone to bed earlier last night but who can resist the opportunity to bust troll gangs in the Hollows alongside of Bubba Ho Tepp? Certainly not me. Then Marcus was up and wanted to be held. Poor baby. And Zack barged into our room before dawn, demanding his Finding Nemo playstation game.

I should have put on some coffee this morning. I can feel that headache starting already. (Yes, after years spent giving it up for pregnancy and nursing, I'm addicted to caffeine again...)

Anyone out there know much about Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds? I've heard two songs by them: Red Right Hand (from Songs in the Key of X) and People Ain't No Good (Shrek 2) and like them both. I was thinking of picking up a CD and am wondering if anyone out there has a recommendation..?


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