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2001-06-06 - 10:16 a.m.

July 6. That's the semi-official close date on the new house. I was half hoping for something a little later, to give more time for this one to sell, but the less time that Mike has to commute 2.5 hours to Virginia Beach, the better, right?

The annoyance didn't get their collective butts over here yesterday. They apparently left a voice mail for my realtor around noon and she called me at 4:15 to let me know they hadn't come round. These people are pinching my last nerve.

To make matters more interesting (and expensive) Solo power vomited on the landing upstairs yesterday afternoon, sometime between 3 and 6 pm. Judging by the happily settled in condition of the stuff, I'd say it was closer to 3:00. Standard grocery store carpet cleaner rolls off it like water off shellac. So the "professionals" are coming by this afternoon to take a whack at it and charge me $50 - more if they decide the stain is red based. And it probably is.

But, lest I sound as if I complain all the time: Your moment of Cute for today...

Zack has discovered that if he presses a specific button on my keyless remote for the bimbobox, it honks out in the driveway. This is an endless source of amusement for him. The car honks and he grins, mimicing "bap bap!"


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