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2001-06-07 - 12:18 p.m.

Some days Zack really amazes me. Since I went to bed before the dishwasher finished running last night, I had to empty it this morning. Zack (age 17 months now) likes to "help," which involves trying to grab anything sharp or breakable and giving his mother fits. But today there were several pots and lids in there. He likes pots and lids. So he goes for the first lid and I assume he's going to carry it around the kitchen, banging things with it, which is fine by me because it keeps him occupied. Instead, he opens the cabinet where the pots and pans live and puts the lid inside. The he grabs a pot and puts that in as well!

Well, I'm very excited because this means he's old enough for chores. But that euphoria is short-lived. Toddlers do not discriminate much between clean and dirty dishes. As I'm loading the dishes from the sink into the dishwasher, he thinks it's a marvelous game to pull out the clean pots and pans and put them in the dishwasher, too.

I'll have to remind Mike to keep it locked now, lest we find all sorts of things in there ....


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