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2001-06-12 - 12:19 p.m.

You know you haven�t had enough sleep when you can�t remember how to make coffee the next morning.

I think one of Zack�s teeth cut through last night. He was up four or five times between midnight and 5:30 am. In between, Solo woke up to cough. He came home from the kennel this weekend with kennel cough � sort of the canine flu. He wheezes and coughs until it sounds as though he�ll retch. Then he does it all over again. The vet gave him antibiotics and cough tablets. Fortunately, Solo is the only pet I�ve had who willingly takes pills, so long as they are wrapped in cheese. (Behold the power of cheese!)

My parents came by last night while I took Solo to the vet and Dad took a look at the vacuum cleaner. Naturally, it refused to smoke again. Or squeal. But it did burst its bag�


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