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2001-06-13 - 7:30 p.m.

So I'm in Target again today because we're out of infant motrin for Zack and he�s going to need it to get to sleep. Those bottom teeth are so close to cutting through� And it's 5:00, so I have to be quick to beat the rush hour crush on 360. We dash in, grab what we need and head directly for what appears to be the only open register, only to be cut off by a lady with a loaded shopping cart. I mean, she nearly ran me down � looking right at me the whole time. What kind of a person needs to push in front of someone with a package of motrin, a bottle of woolite, and a toddler in her arms?

Is it me or is the world ruder than it was fifteen or twenty years ago? More than rude- sometimes downright mean.

But, alas, I have no time to go into it now. There�s an appointment to show the house on Friday and it must be cleaned tonight while I have the chance.


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