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2001-06-25 - 8:25 p.m.

Zack hit another developmental milestone this morning. He, like his mother, generally wakes up a little bleary and crabby in the morning and the only thing that really gets him going is 30 minutes of Teletubbies. I swore before he was born that my children would never watch the Teletubbies, but caught between four unintelligible technicolor British ewoks and a fussy child - I'll take the ewoks. Besides, it gives me time to get a cup of coffee.

Each episode is formulaic and always ends with an unseen adult saying bye-bye to each of the Tubbies. The tubbies in return say bye-bye back and duck behind the scenery until one decides to get cute and pop up with "Boo!" The unseen adult gently admonishes the offending tubbies with "Noooo...." And the tubbies echo "Noooo..." And my son, playing with his blocks in the floor echoes "Noooo.... Nooooooooo.... Nononono... No... No No.... Noooo..."

I head back to the coffee maker for a second cup. Going to need it this morning.

"No No No No No No No No....." Zack giggles and shakes his head.

I should have gotten it on tape. It's going to be only adorable "no" of his life.

On the up side, he decided that bananas are tasty, but only if eaten as grownups do. None of that chopping and mashing stuff. It requires a lot more vigilance on my part, but so long as he's eating fresh fruit, I don't care.


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