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2001-06-24 - 8:30 a.m.

After Zack went to sleep and before my wandering husband returned home, I was scanning the TV Guide online for anything interesting. Usually, there isn't much, but the Cartoon Network had scheduled two whole hours of Wallace and Grommit last night! Whoo-hoo!

But my life is never so blissfully simple. Right in the middle of this double feature, the Disney Toon channel aired Darkwing Duck, which I haven't seen in a decade. I had a job babysitting/tutoring my sophmore year of college and my biggest motivation for getting this kid through her homework was the chance to watch Darkwing Duck. The dorm TV didn't have cable and seemed to resist picking up anything except local news and the Andy Griffith show (which can always be found on some channel at any hour in North Carolina). So DW it was, sandwiched by Wallace and Grommit.

I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the check writer in the cash only line...

Didn't get out to buy boxes yesterday, so we'll have to do that after Mass...


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