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2001-06-28 - 8:35 p.m.

I joined my parents on their weekly trip to Falmouth this morning (fatherland of my mother's family) and did a little work on the cell phone while en route. The owners of the house that we will soon own agreed to let us close after we've closed on the house we currently own and, since they don't want that pool unattended for 10 days, also agreed to let us move in early. So, with dates firmly scribbled in the sand, I could finally book the movers. Somebody up there's looking out for me, because two consecutive days of the second week of July are available and the contract was faxed out to Mike's office before lunch. Woo-hoo!

However, at 7:09 this evening, while I was trying to convince a wound-up and worn-out toddler (whose favorite word is now "no") that he'd really enjoy going to sleep, our realtor left an ominous message on the voice mail, concluding with "call me as soon as you get in." Naturally, as I was not out but merely unavailable, I'm leaving it to Mike to return the call. I don't want any other human alive to hear the reaction coming out of me when our close dates change again.


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