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2001-07-08 - 8:27 p.m.

Life is better. We're still moving - into the same house. And the couple buying ours have been very cooperative about the crazy changes in moving dates. I even got a whopping chunk of reading time in last night, though I wish I had found a slightly more worthwhile book.

I like pirate tales and other nautical stories - Captain Blood, Horatio Hornblower and the like. So when I spotted a novel about Anne Bonney and Mary Read on the "New Books" shelf at the library on Saturday, I took it home.

The Sweet Trade is the author's first novel. Not bad, but skewed so far in the ladies' favor that it crosses into feminist fiction. Bonney is the bravest pirate on the sea and Read can save entire armies single-handed. And their male companions are inwardly weak, cowardly, or simpleminded, despite feigned bravado and expertise. And, despite incredulity, I read a quarter of it without coming up for air. Garrett's best character, ironically, is Calico Jack, the all bravado and no guts captain. He has the most depth.

On to my dinner and more reading. Taco Bell stiffed me on sauce, but I got a Rhode Island quarter in my change. Life's not all bad.


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