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2001-07-05 - 12:54 p.m.

I don't even want to go into the saga of this week so far. I feel like I'm in a lucid nightmare. Let me just say that there are now some very big problems with our contracted house in Virginia Beach and the lawyers are dealing with it...

I found out at a few minutes to 5:00 pm on Tueday - too late in the day to start calling back all those phone and utility companies to cancel our connection orders. And, about an hour later, our internet account was disconnected. Oddly enough, I hadn't put in a disconnect order for that one...

The joys of dealing with tech support. I try to go easy on these guys. I've been in their shoes. But it also drives me up a wall when I know more than this rookie on the other end of the line and he won't listen to me. Invariably, I can fix the problem with only a little, but sadly necessary help from them.

The situation: our homebuyers signed up for the same cable internet service we use and, in order for the helpful @home employee to set up their account, ours had to be disabled. Nice, eh? So all I need is either a new IP or computer name back in the database to be online again. Or so I think. No, says tech support man. I need a whole new account. Which he can't do. He gives me a claim number and says that my account will be rebuilt... sometime.

As the next day is a holiday, I have serious doubts that "sometime" will be before Thursday and I settle into a simmering little knot of tension. Then I do what any American girl in this situation would do - I call my sister to vent.

The 4th is spend biding time. I'm too worked up to read anything, though I try starting a couple different books. I had just finished Captain Blood Returns the day before so I'm gripped between tension and indescision over what to read. We spent the afternoon at a friend's for a cookout and got our mind off the whole house fiasco.

This morning I got our internet account going again and called all those utility companies again and revised our moving days again and somewhere in Virginia Beach there are a couple of lawyers hammering out the house contract, so perhaps my life will be right side up by tonight.

But if you pray, say one for me.


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