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2001-07-12 - 12:45 p.m.

And it was going to be a nice, quiet day...

My friend Matt has a garden and, because of that garden, has bags of fresh green beans to bestow on vegetable lovers. I've been trying to hook up with him all week to claim some. This morning he called to let me know he'd be on this side of town and I packed up Zack and prepared to head out to pick up some beans before lunchtime. Zack on one arm, purse on the shoulder, and snack crackers in my pocket, I locked up the house and headed for the car. Notice something missing from that last sentence? I didn't until I couldn't start my car. No keys. No car key. No house key. No wireless phone to call for help. The spare key we used to keep hidden outside is currently residing within the realtor's lock box. We just never got around to making a new one.

Even after living here for 5 years, I don't know any of my neighbors well. So I felt a little awkward dropping by to borrow the phone, but it was either that or break the kitchen window. There are two people in the area who have a key to my house - Zack's godparents and my mother. The former wasn't home and the latter's line was busy. After several tries, I finally got through to my parents' house and asked them to come over before their grandson could start breaking all the little collectibles my neighbor keeps around her house. After a few minutes of "No, don't touch!" I ended up taking him outside to wait.

To add insult to injury, everyone has been advising me on hiding a key or two outside. It's irritating, but I asked for it.

I have joked recently about living under an ancient Chinese curse. I'm beginning to wonder if it's so...


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