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2001-07-13 - 12:12 p.m.

Well, it looks like I have honest neighbors after all.

Five years ago, we moved into a newly constructed house on a cul de sac, next door to family who had lived here a few years already. There's an easement between the houses that's our property, but they had been maintaining it - and made a point to tell us so. And they have reminded us every week since then by mowing that part of our yard.

I should have planted something in the back corner of the lot, just to mark it, but I didn't and the boundaries of the property grew fuzzy after a while. When our neighbors started planting some fruit trees in the area, I grumbled that they were encroaching. Mike and I bought a metal detector last year to find the pins marking the lots corners (we were thinking of putting up a fence), but that back corner one remained MIA until today.

A survey of the house and land has to be done before we close on Monday and the surveyors were out today. What a great job. My Dad was a surveyor when he was in college (like George Washington, I always think to myself) and it's always seemed to me a very interesting line of work. Anyway - I went out back after they were gone. That pin had been buried several inches down, but on the edge of my neighbor's flower garden - not within it as I had suspected. One of their fruit trees crosses the line a hair, but I don't think that's anything to squabble over. They are definitely still cutting our grass, however, which is fine by me. I wonder if I can get them to do the rest of the yard while they're at it....


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