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2001-07-17 - 8:15 p.m.

It's done. I now own a house in Virginia Beach. I can't live in it yet, but I own it. I got to meet the wacko real estate agent for the sellers, too. I think outside this, she might not be bad but something between her and the Mrs. half of the sellers combines to create a nasty spiral of evil. It's like they feed off each other and grow long noses and warts right before your eyes.

Bubble, bubble, boil and trouble...

Traffic down there is a whole new experience. I think I might have sighted Genie in her jeep on 64 East. (Hey, Genie - were you out driving around about 2:30 pm?) But I was too busy trying to stay in my narrow little lane to double check it was her. I'm certain the roads there are significantly narrower. I fear for my side mirrors! The winner, hands down, of the shocking driver award goes to the guys in the little black sports car cutting through the emergency pull off lane (local vernacular for "shoulder") at about 70 mph with the hood up. It may have just been coincidence, but there were a lot of cars out there with busted lights and bent fenders...

But the drive there and back again has given me a new respect for my husband who's been making that drive daily for two months now. I arrived home just in time to take Zack off my parents' hands and put him to bed. I'm pooped. Going to make myself some late dinner and watch Witchblade. Heehee - I've hooked Gen! I missed the ultra controversial episode earlier this month - the one that paints the Catholic Church with the hackneyed "evil" brush. But I can't say that might effect my viewing habits. I've learned to blow off the stupid stuff.


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