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2001-07-18 - 8:04 p.m.

No matter how much coffee I drink, I just can't stay alert on rainy days. Combine that with a teething toddler up at all hours again last night and I'm really a mess.

We do need the rain, though. By July in Richmond, the clay's baked to stone and the grass in it starts to die. Our yards look great in the spring. Now they're mostly brown. Two of the azaleas I planted in May are struggling. They were hit with that late frost and have been limping along ever since. If they can make it through this month, though, I think they'll be alright. In any case, they won't be mine anymore so I shouldn't worry too much.

But back to the rain - I've been yawning all day. Zack mimics me because he thinks it's so amusing. He even crawls up onto the sofa, stretches, and lays his head down on the pillow, grinning all the while. I don't think he understands that not everyone gets an afternoon nap.

He's gotten good use out of his new favorite word today: "No no no no no." It generally comes in strings of 5. He even told me "No nay nay" when I tried to feed him yogurt for dinner, which I thought meant "No, I don't want yogurt. I want a banana" but might have meant "I don't want strawberry-banana flavor yogurt" since he didn't eat much of either.

Oh- and that long overdue rant on the US Postal Service is still up in the air. They're determined to drive me mad. Monday - no mail. Tuesday - regular service. Wednesday - no mail. Not even junk or those silly Star Watch newspapers. Didn't even see them drive down the street... which makes me wonder if the carrier just skips this leg of the route from time to time...


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