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2001-07-21 - 1:04 p.m.

Moving is playing with my brain. Last night I dreamed - over and over again - that I was moving boxes out of my house into my minivan and although the van was quickly filling up, the boxes were, rabbit-like, multiplying in the house. Typical stress dream, but man I woke up aggitated.

Zack's learned the word "box." He spent several minutes this morning putting one of his toy dogs into the laundry basket and climbing in after it. He would giggle and point to the basket and say "box!" Close enough. My son drawls, by the way. His favorite toy this week is a ball, which he pronounces "bawl" (rhymes with y'all). He also says "he-yah" (here) and "yay-es" (yes). I have no idea from where he's getting it.

Mike's off to the war practice in Petersburg today. He's drawn to melees like Southern Baptists to a revival. So, without him around, I'm not pressed to over-exert myself this afternoon. I spent the morning getting some laundry done, playing with Zack, and driving the minivan through the carwash at the gas station. At the moment I'm taking a break to let Zack settle into his nap before clearing out our spare room so Jason and Shannon have somewhere to sleep tonight after the above mentioned war practice. If I can get that done quickly and load the dishwasher before Zack wakes, I may get some reading time in...

I'm only about 1.5 chapters into God's Funeral by A.N. Wilson and I think I may be in over my head. Although I'm very interested in the rise of intellectual atheism in the 19th century, Wilson writes with an assumption that the reader already knows a good bit about the literature and figures of the period. Previous to this, my main focus on the 19th century has been Henry Clay and American politics. And a little on the Civil War, courtesy of my Dad and growing up in Richmond, Virginia. Anyway, I won't quit a book unless I've read at least 3 chapters, so I'll stick with this one a little while longer, which means I won't get the chance to find an answer for Mr. Levski's question about Fahrenheit 451. This book is so dim in my memory that I'm beginning to doubt I ever read it. And I won't have time to do that this week. So, friends, if you know the answer, email him!


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