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2001-07-19 - 2:05 p.m.

Got a candidate for your wall, Christian.

No mail today. The truck drove right by our box.


I'm less irritated by the fact that the insanity of changing my forwarding date was a waste of time than the uneasiness that my mail is being sent into hostile territory. Nothing to be done about it, I suppose. Mike is going by early next week to get the demonstration on pool maintenance, so he ought to be able to pick it up then. Afterward, I just hope the rest doesn't get packed away and sent with the sellers to Maryland...

This whole experience has strangled much of my natural optimism.

[grumble, grumble, grumble]

Thanks to Jake for the note of encouragement in my guestbook :) It's sad that they're screwing someone else, but at least I don't feel singled out...


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