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07-27-2001 - 3:47 p.m.

Yes, I'm still alive. Yesterday had to be the hottest, muggiest day on record to move everything out of my house. Fortunately, I wasn't the one doing all of it. But it was still damn hot. I ended up overheated, exhausted, and a little dehydrated by the end of it all. But it's done. Mostly. Now I'm just exhausted.

My parents are putting us up (or putting up with us) for the weekend and Zack was cranky last night when we didn't go home. It was a rough night and none of us got a lot of sleep. But my boy is tucked in nice and quiet for his afternoon nap - a little later than normal, but at least he went to sleep without too much screaming and crying.

We begin hauling the mountain of stuff from the garage here to the new garage tomorrow morning. One trip tomorrow, another on Sunday, and the Allied truck arrives bright and early Monday morning. And the cable guy is scheduled for that afternoon to get our internet connection up and running - so there's sure to be an update from the new house here shortly thereafter...


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