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November 27, 2001 - 8:28 p.m.

Alright. I'm back.

Not much sense in detailing the past few weeks - suffice to say that Zack gave up napping for an entire week, my inlaws invaded for Thanksgiving, and I had my first big doctor's visit to confirm that, yes Virginia, there is a baby growing inside of me.

Fortunately, I'm nowhere near as ill as I was during the first trimester with Zachary. I'm just bone tired. I don't remember being so exhausted last time around, but then I only had to put up with 200+ computers and the librarians who hated them, not a toddler who's working on achieving light speed....

But the wisdom of the mother will overcome. After five straight days of no nap time (the week before Thanksgiving) I took Zack to the neighborhood playground and let him run. And run. And run. He gave the swings a little go and the little hobby horses a few minutes. He was very vexed with me that I wouldn't let him climb up the slide (too tall), but mostly he just ran. And then I took him home, gave him a snack, and he passed out on the sofa in the middle of "Zabomafoo."

I don't know how I'm going to survive him and an infant. Somehow my mother did it, and my sister and I were only 19 months apart. I owe Mom one hell of a mother's day present this year...

Anyway - my OB set my due date at June 20 after taking a look at the size of the tike today via ultrasound. It's far too early to know if Baby's a boy or a girl, though everyone in my family except for me is walking around chanting "pink." At the moment, Baby looks like a little alien - large head and chubby, stubby arms and legs protruding from the body. Baby wiggled under all the scrutiny, but we caught a good view of the heart beating and all the important stuff that's visible at this stage.

So it looks like I'll be pulling out the box of maternity clothes along with the Christmas decorations this year. My neighbors next door have already hung lights and wreaths on their house and put out those plywood reindeer. I'm not fond of decorating right after Thanksgiving, myself. At least wait until Advent, if I can't put it off longer. I like the anticipation of Christmas and having the trimming up too soon dulls it for me.

The weather isn't helping, either. It's something like 70 degrees! Someone please tell me it isn't going to be like this all winter...


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