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November 29, 2001 - 11:34 a.m.

Well, now that I'm back to writing again it looks like my internet connection could be temporarily shut down. @Home, my current isp, has bankruptcy hearings tomorrow that could result in pulling the plug on my account.


Anyway, the local affiliate here has been sending some vague promises that they will keep things up and running on their own, but they're offering no specifics and this morning they sent out an email advising everyone to download some free dialup software to carry them through the possible interim blackout.

Sounds fishy to me.

So I'm looking into other isps right now but have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow or over the weekend. I hate losing my email. I've had the same address for something like 4 years now. Oh well.

More of Zachary's antics coming later today... barring technical difficulties, of course.


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