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December 16, 2001 - 8:27 p.m.

Cream puffs.

This baby has got one hell of a sweet tooth. When I was pregnant with Zachary, I wanted things like crab legs and peaches. Not this time. I find myself thinking of hot doughnuts with gooey filling.

Funnel cake.

I am fortunate that there isn't a bakery anywhere near my house, otherwise I'd be over there several times a week. With luck, it would all go into energy to keep up with Zack. He's figured out how to turn doorknobs and joyously pops into our bedroom or bath now without warning -grinning proudly from ear to ear. I have to keep the deadbolts locked on the exterior doors.

Getting him to nap, now that he can charge into the hallway at will, is another challenge. At bedtime now he comes to the top of the stairs and calls, but after ushering him back to bed a few times he eventually stays there.

In two weeks, he turns two.

I'm going to need that extra sugar...


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