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December 18, 2001 - 9:51 p.m.

A little irritated tonight. Zack's birthday is coming up in two weeks and I invited some family to come by and celebrate with us. Grated, I probably should be throwing the party at my mother's house in Richmond - all the guests are driving down from there - but cake and toddler and Mike's schedule at work make that very difficult. And Zack's grandparents and godparents are very cool about the trip.

But I got an email from another friend today who has a son just a little younger than Zack. They used to play together before we moved. I didn't expect them to come, since it's a long drive and they have busy schedules. And sure enough, he emailed to say they couldn't make it... but because they're going to be in Virginia Beach that day visiting some relatives.

That just irked me. I understand they have previous plans, but they're going to be a few minutes away and they can't even take a little time to come over and say hello? Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive or missing being close enough to everyone I know to be convenient to visit.

Blah. I'm probably just tired. I should eat something and go to bed.


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