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December 20, 2001 - 2:34 p.m.

Well, I've put it off long enough. Tonight I absolutely, positively have to go to the grocery store... which means I have to spend this afternoon getting organized.


I really am organizationally challenged. Part of it is congenital absentmindedness (there's got to be a better word than that...) the rest is a failure to try to overcome said absentmindedness.

So there's Christmas dinner to prepare, Christmas cookies I've been meaning to do ever since I picked up that cookie press at Target weeks ago, and everything to get between now and a safe distance from the holidays to return to the store. That means a few pounds of sweet potatoes and corn, a couple gallons of milk (whole and skim), at least 2 pounds of butter, cranberries, lots of sugar, something green and not particularly pungent (last pregnancy, broccoli and asparagus made me ill for months even after Zack was born), eggs, flour, some kind of pie or cake and a couple frozen pizzas.

That doesn't seem like enough. Better get more pizza. And some Little Debbie Snack Cakes ;)

Zack's diet over the past week has dwindled to mostly pizza and french fries, though I can still get him to eat some cereal and cheese slices. And he ate a Christmas Tree Cake this afternoon.

Note: Do not feed toddlers anything with cream filling if you aren't prepared to clean it off everything else in the room.


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