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December 19, 2001 - 10:30 a.m.

Zachary fell and busted his lip last night. It's a little puffy today, but otherwise I think he's forgotten about it... which makes me worry he'll try the same booster-seat balancing stunt again.

Mom called from Falmouth yesterday. My grandmother wasn't feeling well over the weekend and worried that she was having an adverse reaction to one of her medications. So they took her to the doctor who immediately checked her into the hospital. Still waiting to hear about any diagnosis.

Got a response from about my complaint email from earlier this week about not receiving any notice that an item I ordered for a gift had been backordered. Some snotty customer service rep wrote that if the item were backordered, I would have received an email notice.

Yeah. And Merry Christmas to you, too.

And, just to top it all off, some idiot who can't get her email right (she apparently has the same username as me, only something like "2000" attached) has been abbreviating her address (to mine) for all the stuff she's required to state an email for, but really doesn't want to get the stuff. This morning's fun email was for a magazine order. No option to unsubscribe, so I had to write yet another customer service rep to ask them to knock it off.

Snotty reply coming soon, I'm sure.


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