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December 31, 2001 - 2:00 p.m.

Today is Zachary's birthday. Since Mike has to work today (he's saving all his vacation time for when the baby comes), we celebrated yesterday. My parents drove down from Richmond with presents from them and my sister and my grandmother, but the pile wasn't as large as Christmas' and Zachary had a much better time opening them - particularly the ones that rattled or jingled.

My sister sent him an entire set of toy instruments - a pair of maracas, a tambourine, a xylophone/piano and a drum. His favorite is the drum. Mike is trying hard to think of suitable revenge for her birthday, but aside from hiring a someone to serenade her on bagpipes (poorly) I don't think there's much to equal this.

(Actually, it't not that offensive. His Sesame Street popup toy that screams FA LA LA LA, FA LA LA LA, ELMO'S WORLD!!! is much, much worse)

Zack wasn't sure about what to do with the candles on his cake ("It's hot!" Mike told him, "Blow on it!") but loved eating it. I never finished the cake I was making for him (ran into technical difficulties with the icing) so we ended up with an ice cream cake from the store. Zack ended up with as much on him as in him, I think. After, he ran over to me with a big, icing-crusted smile and said "Sing! Sing Happy Mamma!" So we sang Happy Birthday to him again.

He danced. :)


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