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January 03, 2002 - 2:27 p.m.

Seems like January following a move, it snows. Hard. Granted, this is nothing like the "Storm of the Century" back in 1996 that completely ensconced Mike and me and two cats in our new house. Snow was up over the bumpers of the Pathfinder. The county of Chesterfield ranked our subdivision very low on the rank of snow plow necessity. We were stuck.

Not that we minded much. We had a stock pile of computer games from Christmas and still ate like college freshman. If only the delivery guy from Yen Ching were able to get though, we would have been happy as can be.

Things here aren't bad - at least not as bad as to the west and north of us. Since we're fairly close to the coast (about ten minutes from Sandbridge) there's only about 4 inches of snow on the ground. Mike called in to his office this morning, confirmed that all business was closed for the day, and happily went outside to shovel the walk, warm up the cars, and drive to Hardees to pick up some biscuits. I pointed out that people were advised to stay off the roads, but he insists this sort of weather is fun. You'd never guess the madman is from North Carolina.

Despite the fact that we do see heavy snow about once a decade, no one down here ever bothers to learn to travel in it. Perhaps it's because nothing stays on the roads or anywhere else more than a few days and the whole issue can be easily avoided if you happen to be home when the snow comes down. If not, there are two methods of driving in snow and ice: extremely slow or like a bat out of hell. The first falls under the theory that it's easier to get your car back on course at slow speeds if you start to veer and the second, that you don't have to worry about it at all if you aren't touching the ground.

Anyway - I'm staying in today :)


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