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January 22, 2002 - 8:16 p.m.

Zack loves his grandparents house. The pantry is full of cookies, the fridge is stocked with juice boxes (in fact - he asks for "juice box" instead of just "juice" now), and there's a cat to chase about. What two year old could ask for more?

Our stop here is part of the marathon trip to visit my grandparents this week. We're heading north in the morning.

But today isn't the first day this week that my son has had the opportunity to give Solo a break and play with other pets. Corby and Naro came by on Saturday for a rainy day rpg and Thjora and Caitlin joined us later with Max, who is quite possibly Zack's favorite member of the canine family. After an hour, both were ready to pass out in exhaustion.

The rest of us settled down for the newest B5 extravaganza - Legend of the Ranger.

About 90 minutes into it, Naro asks "Was the acting this bad when B5 started, too?"

G'kar made the whole thing worth it... even the cheesy vr weapons system. I mean, really - I'm willing to gloss over some of the rough bits in my enthusiasm for more B5, but that was just painful to watch. Ow ow ow.


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