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January 17, 2002 - 11:02 p.m.

I'm an internet junkie. I can admit that. My connection was down 32 hours and I nearly bounded to the computer a moment ago when I noticed the "cable" light was lit again on the modem.

Bounding when pregnant is not prudent, by the way.

Naturally, nearly everyone on my buddy list has updated, so I'm anxiously scanning all their diaries before settling down to read in depth, just in case the connection fails again. I just saved TheHappyCat's entry in a text file, so I can really read it.

Another day and I'd have chewed down my fingernails to the quick.

Sometimes I miss the "old days" of dial up access. I don't remember a single call to tech help when I was on those isp's. I only talked to someone to connect or disconnect service and the only annoyance was a busy signal.

Today I logged over two hours, 1.5 of it on hold, on the phone trying to figure out what was wrong with my connection. Either Cox is swamped with calls, woefully understaffed, or staffed with very slow employees. An hour+ waiting to report an outage is ridiculous.

I was quite ready to toss in the "500 Free Hours of AoL!" CD. Dignity be damned.

The guy who finally answered the phone was more than willing to bend over backward to help me, but in the end couldn't figure out what was wrong and scheduled someone to come out at dawn to look at the wiring.

Naturally, the problem fixed itself 7 hours later.

I'm still going to make the guy look at the wiring.


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