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January 27, 2002 - 2:41 p.m.

Zack went to his first hockey game this weekend - the Norfolk Admirals vs. the Philadelphia Phantoms. Because of the late hour after an already busy day, we only stayed through 2 periods, but he was riveted for nearly all of that time.

We've joked that he was born a hockey fan (much to his godfather's delight). When he was only a few months old, Mike was holding him while sitting on the sofa, watching some television. Zack kicked the remote and switched the channel to the Redwings game. During this football season, he once walked into the den while Mike was watching the Sunday game and declared, "No Daddy! Wanna watch hockey!"

But his television time is limited right now, so that has to wait.

Zack sat in his Daddy's lap during the game, smiling and clapping his hands. He got squirmy during the second period, but didn't cry or fuss. He was just tired of sitting still - and just plain tired. A few minutes before we packed it in and went home, he waved his hand back and forth in the direction of the ice and said "Back! Back!" which in Zacklish means "I'm done, put it all away now."

He fell asleep in the car on the way home, holding the Philadelphia Flyers hockey stick that Rich bought him. Too cute.


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