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January 28, 2002 - 10:08 p.m.

There's nothing like a good, shameless swashbuckler.

Hollywood has almost forgotten how to do them and I had my doubts when I discovered the newly released Count of Monte Cristo was directed by Kevin Reynolds - you know, Water World and Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves? Not exactly an illustrious resume.

He's learned from his mistakes.

Granted, I haven't picked up Dumas' book in a good decade or more and I can only barely remember the 70's version starring Richard Chamberlain as Dantes, but I was impressed enough at the time to order Monte Cristo sandwiches in restaurants for years, just for the name.

Mike and Zack watched a little football on Sunday afternoon while I slipped out to the movie theatre, paid $2.75 for a bottle of water, and snacked on my smuggled granola bar over the previews.

I won't say the film is Oscar material - I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it if it were - and James Caviezel isn't Errol Flynn. He's more of the Antonio Banderas, smoldering hero type. Nor is Guy Pearce Basil Rathbone, but he gives it a good try, crossed heavily with Val Kilmer. And there's too much exposition for a two hour film. In the end, there just isn't enough time to savor Dantes' systematic revenge. By the time he reincarnates himself as The Count of Monte Cristo, the film is already running headlong to the finale.

If anything, I would have appreciated more politics. And snazzier swordplay. Instead of being the prize jewels of the film, the fights are necessary bits to get through. I did like the bit with the rock, though.

This sounds like I didn't like the movie. I did. (Hell, I liked Cutthroat Island) It's wonderful costumed adventure escapism. Richard Harris is marvelous (even though I think our time spent in the Chateau D'lf could have been halved - no reason to sentence us all there for 13 years!). The crowd scenes are vibrant. The settings are magnificent. There are some very memorable lines. There's just that missing bit of thrill.

It's worth the matinee price. :)


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