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February 06, 2002 - 8:51 p.m.

The biggest hassle about cold weather is I never want to venture out in the evenings. It's too seductive to stay home with a book or a good documentary on the Discovery Channel and wait to see if the next day gets any warmer.

Naturally, I got up this morning and realized I could not wait any longer to go grocery shopping - and I would have to go before lunch.

Since we were gone last weekend and Ymir is this weekend, holding out for Saturday morning wasn't an option. And by the time Mike gets home from work, we eat and get Zachary ready for bed, it's past 8:30 and I'm too tired to drive out to the decent grocery store off Princess Anne.

So I dressed Zachary, promised him animal crackers, and drank half a coca cola for energy.

There's a reason stores carry animal crackers in convenient bins all over the place. They are the magic cranky toddler panacea. Provided I can get through my entire shopping list before he finishes the box, Zachary will sit happily in the cart, munching away.

It's getting him into the cart that's the hard part.

Between that and getting the groceries into the house, I'm in for another backache tonight. I really need to try that rice-in-the-tube-sock thing one of the nurses back in Richmond recommended when I was pregnant before.

What I'm going to do for my belly in the coming weeks when this baby gets bigger, I don't know. He already kicks like a mule!


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