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February 04, 2002 - 8:16 p.m.

I heard a great quote today, but have no idea to who (or is it "to whom?") it should be credited: Trying to clean up after small children is like trying to shovel your driveway in a blizzard.

Zack's been in rare form today. Mike came home from Rich and Gabrielle's superbowl party with a belated birthday gift from his godparents but even that couldn't keep him quietly occupied all day. I picked up his blocks. He scattered them. I put away his books. He emptied the shelf. I gathered up puzzle pieces from the far reaches of the house, he tossed them all around again.

My back is killing me. And the house is still a mess.

University on Saturday was terrific - large turn out, no major crises, excellent help from the "registration staff" (Elizabeth, Deirdre, Thjora, and Susie, plus the very welcome company of Theodora) and only 4 unreturned rosters at the end of the day. Getting all those classes into the database is going to take up most of my evenings for the next couple of weeks, but I'm anxious to see the final numbers of attendance.

Zack's resisting bedtime tonight - I'm being paged.


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