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February 14, 2002 - 3:02 p.m.

First the news: Zachary just counted! He's been able to recognize numbers for several weeks now and can put most of 1-12 in their proper order, but just a few minutes ago he tossed the tv remote in the floor and the batteries popped out. I went over to take them from him and he laid both out on the floor, counting "One, two!"

I got so excited, I applauded him and cheered and so he did it again - and again - and again. He didn't want to give up those AA batteries, he was getting so much praise.

Right now he's getting his afternoon "Wiggle Time."

And Happy Valentine's Day to everyone, too :) This is sort of an anniversary holiday for Mike and me - our 11th Valentine's Day since our first date.

Mike and I met in Greensboro while I was in college there and he was in Winston Salem studying to be a forensic police officer. Nobody believed we'd really stay together. We had opposing political views, religious views and, when we met that February, he was in the army reserve, waiting to see if his unit would be called to the Gulf, and I was wearing a black arm band around campus in protest of the same war. One guy even said we were doomed because we're both Leos, but we'd have fun until it self-destructed.

But that clean-cut Republican boy is the best thing that ever happened to me and there isn't a day of our marriage that I'm not thankful we met and stuck together through all the crazy dating and early marriage problems that creep up in nearly every relationship (a lot of what Mike has been writing recently is based on what we've learned from each other).

We've traded all night rpg's for the equally sleepless life of parenting and carefree college life for taxes and budgets, but eleven years later, we're still having fun. And no one makes me happier.

Thanks, Mike :)


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